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A&WMA RTP Chapter March Lunch Meeting

Topic: Urban Infill Brownfields Redevelopment Trends


Please join us to learn the latest on Brownfields redevelopment trends both at the North Carolina and Federal level. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the Brownfields redevelopment process and associated regulatory requirements to support safe reuse of contaminated properties. Now that a number of the easier less-contaminated properties have been purchased and redeveloped, a trend toward redevelopment of technically challenging urban infill sites has emerged including landfills and highly contaminated sites. These sites have been dormant and underutilized for years, have raised safety concerns and have impacted local communities. Learn how these properties are redeveloped to be protective of human health and the environment and to support economic growth. Case studies will be used to highlight the Brownfields redevelopment process, including how cleanup strategies and technical approaches are developed and implemented to promote safe reuse of Brownfields sites and the regulatory requirements behind the process.

Jeffs Bio

 Jeff Tyburski joined Geosyntec’s Raleigh, North Carolina office in August of 2019 as a Principal Geologist. Jeff has over 34 years of experience in the environmental consulting field. Through his career he has worked on a variety of public and private sector projects. He specializes in developing technically defensible and cost effective solutions for environmental assessments to identify and evaluate releases of subsurface contamination and the risk they present to human health and the environment. He is well versed in developing corrective action strategies to manage the risks associated with subsurface contamination including the development and implementation of various groundwater, soil, surface water, sediment and vapor intrusion mitigation engineering controls. His primary area of expertise is supporting the redevelopment of urban infill Brownfields sites. Through his experience, he has the ability to work with property owners, their site design and construction team, legal counsel, investment partners and regulatory agencies to develop an integrated approach to manage environmental risk through site acquisition, redevelopment design, and construction and facility management phases of a project. He has actively been involved with regulatory stakeholder groups and initiative for the development of new regulations and guidelines which has allowed him to develop strong working relationships with various regulatory agencies. Jeff graduated from the University of Rochester with a Bachelors degree in Geology in 1987. With his wife Roz, they own and operate Carolina Morning Stables in Silk Hope NC. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys taking rides with his Quarter horse Mack, bike riding, and spending time with his six children


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